
Grit & Great #2: Beat Cancer Boot Camp

The Grit & Great #2: Beat Cancer Boot Camp

The end of the week is here and time to share who we felt represented the Grit & Great. The Grit & Great highlight this week came to me in the most surprising way and I was very moved by the impact and their movement. I would love to hear how this story resonates with you.

As I stated, this story came to me in a surprising manner. I was working from home and had The Biggest Loser playing in the background. I must admit I enjoy watching this show for a variety of reasons. I become inspired learning the participants stories and connecting with their success. I also gain an understanding and new insights of how people change their behavior, think, and feel. I look at the different motivating factors, goals, work ethic, and struggles that the participants face. This is all research for me to become better at my job but I do also enjoy the show! You get great work out tips along the way and at the end of the show I always want to go run.

The most recent episode I was watching, the Red Team was going to work out with the Beat Cancer Boot Camp workout group. I had never heard of Beat Cancer Boot Camp prior to the show but as I was watching and listening to their mission it became so powerful that these participants who workout with this group are representing everything about The Grit & Great. 

 Beat Cancer Boot Camp is a fitness-based support program created to help survivors stay active during cancer treatment and beyond. This boot camp was founded by Anita “Sarge” Kellman. She has been working in the medical field for 25 years and understands the positive effects of exercise and group support.  Studies have shown that regular exercise helps relieve stress, anxiety, and combat some of the side effects common to cancer treatment such as nausea and fatigue. Beat Cancer Boot Camp is an inspiring program but beyond that the members of this program are the true inspiration.

The story resonates with me personally as I know my family members who have gone through chemo and are fighting or fought cancer. One really is a soldier and has the persistent and true GRIT to take on that battle. Having that mentality and using the energy to work your body out and find true happiness through the outcomes of exercise is GREATNESS. I would be honored to meet any member of the Beat Cancer Boot Camp and have an opportunity to embrace their workout program. I encourage you to check out their website and see if there is a chapter in your area. I am thankful for watching The Biggest Loser to have an opportunity to learn about this program and see how passionate and infectious this program is. Beat Cancer Boot Camp participants you truly have The GRIT & GREAT!

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